Still using regular old phones from big telecom companies? Bring your system into the cloud with Zoomfone
Business Phone!
Our system doesn't require infrastructure beyond an internet connection, it can be used on any device, and comes with free support.

Voicemail to Email
Easily our most popular feature, our digital phone system will send your voicemails to you as emails. This makes it easy to share important information with your team and the convenience of having your voicemails in a readable format. Also, you can say goodbye to voice mailbox limits.
Always With You
Your phone number with Zoomfone can be answered anywhere – in your office, the front desk, on your cell phone, your computer, or even employee phones and computers. You can set your number up to ring on any number of devices giving you the flexibility to continue your work while you or your staff are outside the building. Compatible with Windows/Mac/iOS/Android.
Unlimited Long Distance Anywhere in Canada*
Call anywhere in Canada for as long as you need to.
Free Support
Included with your business phone system is access to our technicians at no additional cost. If you or your employees have an issue, pick up the phone and call us! We are happy to help.
What You See is What You Get
Our billing is straight forward – no hidden fees!
​​Cut the Cord with Big Telecom Companies
Zoomfone doesn’t require a connection to any additional systems or other companies. All infrastructure is provided by us!
*Area code 867 not included
Zoomfone is a company with a mission to help small businesses move their telephone and IT systems to the cloud.
We have securely transitioned many organizations to Microsoft 365 - giving them the power to work more efficiently, and from anywhere!
Our voice-over-IP telephone system provides advance functionality that support a mix of work from home, mobile and office workers.
Ongoing support, security, protection from threats; these are issues that all businesses face (both big and small). Our managed services program handles them for you, reducing your stress and workload.
We are a company built on the values of honesty and integrity, and we believe in conducting business in a transparent and fair way. We also strongly believe in never-ending learning, continually looking for new ways to improve our systems and provide the most modern services possible.